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Is mediation the right way to go about my custody case?

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2024 | Mediation

Child custody can be a volatile issue during the divorce process, sometimes dragging on with heated disputes and emotional stress. As each parent argues for what they believe is best for the child, litigation can escalate conflicts and extend the resolution period.

However, custody mediation presents an alternative way of resolving disputes that focuses on collaboration rather than confrontation.

Reasons custody mediation may be the better option

When dealing with a child custody case, mediation may be a better option because:

  • It is voluntary: Compared with litigation, mediation is a voluntary process where both parents choose to participate, which can foster a more cooperative atmosphere. This voluntary nature encourages both parties to work together to find a solution that works for everyone involved, rather than being dictated by a court’s decision.
  • You get to decide: When both parents get to work together towards the best interests of their child, they have more control over the outcome. Unlike court-imposed decisions, mediation allows parents to craft a parenting plan that reflects their unique family dynamics and addresses their specific needs. 
  • It is confidential: Mediation is not a public affair, unlike court proceedings, which are typically part of the public record. The confidentiality of mediation sessions allows parents to discuss sensitive issues openly without concern that their private conversations will be exposed or used against them in court. This secure environment can encourage honest communication and facilitate more effective problem-solving.
  • It can help preserve your relationship: Divorce does not necessarily mean the end of your ability to communicate and cooperate effectively with your co-parent. Mediation can improve communication skills and help parents develop a working relationship that benefits their child.

When faced with a custody issue, legal guidance can help determine if custody mediation is the right approach for your specific situation.